Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Take-off -9 hours

Howdy All,
Welcome to my blog! Well I was up far too late last night trying to
finish packing. Hearing the paper arrive, the birds singing, and dawn
creeping through the window is never really a good sign. Anyway, I did
get some sleep and I've finished packing my suitcase/backpack. It
doesn't have any extra room left which is what I was really hoping for,
but it does contain a well squished sleeping bag, my runners, and a
bunch of stuff I won't be bringing home like toilet paper and
Kleenex:-) Hopefully that will all compensate for the stuff I'll be
buying. Oh yeah, and I've packed an extra bag too, so all should be
good. I don't care if I have to pay extra to bring stuff home, I just
don't want to start with extra.
Mom went out and got me money... awww... but I paid her back:-) Now I
just need to finish packing my 'carryon' which means figuring out my
'listening devices' and my paperwork. It may take awhile though, so
I'll sign off now. Who knows, if I actually get ready with time to
spare I may post again:-)