Mere of Meditation, now home to my trip tales, started as a home to my NaNoWriMo 2004 efforts. You can still read "Siobhan's Solace" in the archives and leave some comments... but only constructive and motivational ones. And please don't point out mechanical errors... I can proofread, but when you write in short bursts between piles of marking it's hard to care about your own grammar.
I work too much, but love what I do. I long for world peace and chocolate without calories. My favourite asana is standing forward bend... love to hear my back crack loose after sitting all day:-)
I just got my prezzie from K... yes, it's really Jayne's hat! She knitted it. She's amazing. It's even all acrylic so it won't make me sneeze. And it's very warm. Great for those cold mornings on the way to school :-)
And yes, if you don't know who Jayne is or why his hat is important, you must watch the entire season of Firefly... okay, well the hat's only important in one episode, but watch the whole season anyway:-)